15 Business Ideas (for Other Businesses)

Meet various examples of Business to Business companies, that is, they sell their products and services to other companies.

There are two basic markets to which you can sell: consumers and businesses. The divisions are quite evident. For example, if you are selling women’s clothing in a retail store, your market is consumers.

Now, if you sell office supplies, your target market is business (known as B2B sales, business to business ). Meet some models that have been successful selling to other companies.

15 Business Ideas for Other Businesses
15 Business Ideas for Other Businesses

1. Healthy food in offices or home office

Visual fatigue, back pain, gastrointestinal discomfort, obesity, exhaustion, chronic fatigue syndrome and stress are the main health problems that affect Mexicans at work, in addition to the most frequent causes of low labor productivity, according to the Survey of Aon’s Health 2016 . It helps combat overweight and sedentary problems in the workplace by offering an alternative to a poor diet with a cart selling healthy foods and morning snacks. Look for quarterly alliances in the corporations and analyze how your consumers respond to renew the agreements.

2. Outdoor advertising

An effective way that companies can publicize their products and services is by advertising on billboards, illuminated signs, stands, buses and awnings on public roads. The outdoor advertising industry generated $ 7 billion in the country in 2015, according to companies that belong to it. Set up an agency specialized in this type of advertising and offer your clients new ideas made by designers and marketing experts who can work remotely. Offer your services on an attractive website and focus on small and medium-sized companies (240,000 according to Inegi), which are looking for alternatives to position themselves.

3. Cardboard furniture

One concern of consumers today is responsible consumption; So they try to acquire products made with renewable materials that do not affect the environment. The cardboard is ecological, recyclable and highly resistant. In addition, it allows to design and manufacture furniture of all kinds. Become a distributor of furniture made from this material and focus on the corporate market, which every day incorporates more social responsibility actions in its operations. Set up a website as an online catalog and schedule your schedule to visit your clients in the morning.

4. Travel agency for congresses

In 2015, Mexico was placed as the second favorite destination to organize events in Latin America, and the fourth in the continent, with the holding of 184 congresses, according to the Council for Tourism Promotion of Mexico (CPTM). Coordinate these types of trips for specialized niches such as medical or direct sales. You will have more opportunities if you join a recognized brand with extensive experience in the business and that has strategic allies and volume discounts. Your job will be to train and supervise your staff to ensure that they provide exceptional customer and visitor service.

Read more: www.entrepreneur.com