Supercharge Your SEO With These 6 Killer Keyword Research Tools

Without a doubt, keywords are an integral element in any SEO strategy. The keywords you choose determine a huge part of your content strategy, and decide whether you’ll succeed in growing your site’s traffic.

That’s why you need to use a kick-ass keyword research tool.

The best tools will help you gain in-depth, actionable insights into what content your target audience is searching for, and which keywords your competitors are using to rank on top. Altogether, this will give you killer content ideas, and a basis for a strategy to drive traffic to your site.

The market for keyword research tools is huge, and it can be tricky to find one that works for you – especially if you’re new to SEO. But even as a seasoned SEO professional, it’s hard to keep track of all the tools out there, and their ever-evolving functionalities.

6 Killer Supercharge  Keyword Research Tools

To help you get started – or discover new opportunities – here’s a list of the best keyword research tools available in 2020.

1 – Moz Keyword Explorer

When it comes to SEO, there are few players out there with more experience than Moz. Founded in 2004, Moz has constantly grown and evolved. It now offers a comprehensive SEO suite.

Moz’s Keyword Explorer is one of the top tools out there for exploring content ideas in your niche, and uncovering ranking potential.

Its strong suit is lateral keyword identification. Say the search term you enter is “fitness”. While most research tools will give you related keywords like “fitness videos” and “fitness tracker”, Keyword Explorer also comes up with queries such as “what are all the different types of exercise?” and “why is exercise so important to wellness”?

In general, the tool will give you information about the keywords’ search volume, ranking difficulty, opportunity, and potential. It also provides SERP analyses for every individual keyword. Moreover, it’ll show you top organic results for your search, together with info on each site’s page authority, domain authority, Facebook shares, and link counts.

All this results in a huge amount of keyword information, which you can export to CSV files. And get started mapping out content ideas.

While you have to register in order to use Moz’s Keyword Explorer, you get 10 free searches per month. For more, you will need a paid subscription, which ranges between $79 and $479 per month, depending on how many queries you want to launch, keywords you want to keep track of, and how many users are going to have access.

Read more: business2community