Want More Influence Online? Here’s How.

Online influence is a valuable commodity, sought after by many. The real magic is that this value can be created without monetary expense. Instead, it requires hard work and smart thinking, consistently, over time. The simple rule is this: influence follows output.

How much output could you generate if you really put your mind to it? What if the first hour of every day was spent firmly in output-mode? Could you create a video per week, an article per day, a podcast episode per fortnight and a book every month? There are people who can, and they get ahead because they’re building a network of superfans; people who know, like and trust them without having ever met them in person. Their output is exceptional, consistent, and results in making them look superhuman.

Here is How to Find Influence Online
Here is How to Find Influence Online

Quit quitting too soon

I often visit company websites only to click on the blog and see one post, from back when the site was launched. I see grandiose plans on YouTube, promising “new videos every week,” or podcasts committing to a 30-episode series that ground to a halt six months ago. Perhaps the creators didn’t see the traction they wanted straight away, so they gave up. Perhaps they thought a public commitment would be enough accountability to keep them going. It wasn’t.

Here is How to Find Influence Online
Here is How to Find Influence Online

Ramping up output is about cloning yourself, and transcending time and space with your message. That article you spent 60 minutes writing, that was read over 40,000 times, gives you a worthwhile output to influence ratio. It’s the same with videos, newsletters, books and podcast episodes. Some creatives or business leaders refuse to give talks to live audiences unless they are filmed. They spend so long preparing for the talk, they want to deliver it so that it can be viewed long after the event.

Read more: forbes