LinkedIn Suggests 4 Types of Posts During COVID-19 Lockdowns, As activity on LinkedIn ramps up during COVID-19 lockdowns, the company has published tips on what businesses should be posting.

Unsurprisingly, there has been a dramatic shift in the past month when it comes to the content people are interested in reading about on on LinkedIn.

In January and February, the top two hashtags on LinkedIn were #marketing and #leadership. So far in March, the top two hashtags are #coronavirus and #COVID-19.

The number of articles about coronavirus increased by 17-times on LinkedIn from February 1 and March 17.

So far, the biggest topics include advice on:

  • Remote working
  • Social distancing
  • Crisis management
  • Business continuity
  • Online learning
  • Collaboration
  • and more

Searches for “remote working” alone tripled on LinkedIn Learning in the month of March.

To keep up with this sudden shift in user interests, here’s what LinkedIn suggests posting about.

LinkedIn Suggests 4 Types of Posts During COVID-19 Lockdowns
LinkedIn Suggests 4 Types of Posts During COVID-19 Lockdowns

What to Post on LinkedIn During Lockdowns

Share Your Experiences

LinkedIn recommends sharing personal stories, as they can inspire and help others who are going through the same thing.

As an example, try composing a post by answering the question “what really helped me?”

In answering this question you can approach it like a conversation with a colleague or friend discussing what your new work day looks like.

Did you recently have a video call that would have otherwise been an in-person meeting? Share that experience along with insights you gained from it.

Conversely, you can create a post asking others to share their experiences.

Asking a question like “how do I boost team morale?” can encourage others to share their unique insights and contribute multiple points of view for others to learn from.

Discover & Comment On Relevant Conversations

LinkedIn recommends searching through hashtags to find information and conversations on topics that are interesting to you.

Going back to the video conferencing example, you can search #videoconference and comment on posts with your advice on how teams can have more efficient meetings.

Note that you can follow and join conversations for topics by searching for a hashtag and clicking the “follow” button.

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