Start Your Social Media In 2020

It’s the beginning of the new year, and not only that; it’s 2020, which has a particularly daunting — or awesome — ring to it, depending on how you look at it.

At the start of the year, everyone is certain to rally around the traditional resolutions, like eating better, exercising more and going to bed earlier.

But it’s also the time when marketing professionals, business leaders, brands and startups decide they need to get serious about their social media efforts.

Unfortunately, in their enthusiasm to get going, far too many people charge ahead without the proper strategy and support, and find themselves either without the return on investment they expected or burned out on their efforts come April.

To keep you from making those mistakes, here is a checklist for how to jump-start your social media efforts this year:

1. Start with your business goals.

What are you looking to accomplish in the first quarter? By year end? In five years?

Don’t think about what you want to accomplish on social media, but for your actual business.

I find that too many organizations focus on what they want to get out of their social media, and don’t start by examining their business goals.

Without articulating your business goals, you won’t know the proper next steps to take with social media.

2. Define your audience and which channels they use.

One of the biggest mistakes brands and individual thought leaders make when it comes to social media is that they think they need to be everywhere. Wrong! You don’t need to be on every single channel.

Start Your Social Media In 2020

Once you’ve defined your audience (if you say your audience is “everyone,” you’re off to a bad start), you can use best practices to learn where, when and how they use social media. Don’t go to the newest channel just because it’s the latest thing — have a strategy on why you need to be there.

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