The Video Show: One Minute With Derick Rhodes

Vimeo exec shares what makes the online video platform stand out.

The internet has created another avenue for content creators to have their projects to present their works to viewers, but it still requires more than just uploading it and waiting for the views to make it go viral. A number of platforms provide a home for videos, be the a few seconds or feature length, but finding the right one is key.

Derick Rhodes is a vice president of marketplaces at Vimeo, one of the leading online video platforms. At this year’s Video Show, which takes place Dec. 4-5 in Washington D.C., he will take part in a session discussing alternative distribution methods for independent films, but we caught up with him to learn a little bit more about what separates Vimeo from some of its online video peers.

The Video Show: One Minute With Derick Rhodes

The Video Show: What are some of the biggest differences between what Vimeo offers creators compared to other online video platforms like YouTube?

Derick Rhodes: Vimeo has always been synonymous with quality – from the quality of the work we feature via our Staff Picks program, to the encoding standards and commercial-free space we provide for filmmakers to share their work. For video makers serious about quality, Vimeo provides a set of tools that enable several areas of options distinctly different from YouTube.

One of the most important is control: We offer advanced privacy settings and the ability to publish your work to multiple platforms (yes, including YouTube!) simultaneously. Creators using Vimeo don’t have to worry about ads diluting the experience. Another of these is Review Pages and workflow tools. With Review Pages, video creators can get real-time feedback from collaborators in real time.

TVS: With a stated global community of creators of more than 90,000,000, how does Vimeo support them when it comes to sharing their projects?

DR: Apart from the active community on our platform, Vimeo empowers creators by giving them a massive amount of flexibility, distribution-wise. Creators can monetize their work using our VOD platform, use Vimeo to power embedding on their website or simply use Vimeo to enable a smooth production workflow.

The Video Show will feature more than 100 sessions on nine presentation stages, as well as a dedicated screening room, demo areas, streaming studio and dynamic exhibit floor. Want to hear more about this topic? Visit the Video Show website to learn more and register.

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