How to Do Keyword Research for SEO: A Simple Step-by-Step Guide

This six-step guide will get you started with keyword research the right way and help build a solid foundation for your SEO campaigns.

Despite all the many changes to SEO practice over the years, keyword research remains one of the most fundamental SEO tasks.

In fact, some form of keyword research is still one of the first things SEO professionals at all skill levels do – especially for a new site (or for any site for which they want to improve or expand search rankings).

So learning to do good SEO keyword research and analysis is one of the most valuable skills you can build as an aspiring SEO.

A Guide to Do Keyword Research for SEO

What Is Keyword Research?

Keyword research is a process of discovering and determining the keywords that matter most for the objectives of a given website.

In other words, it’s finding not only the keywords you want to rank for, but also the ones you should rank for (what people who want what you have to offer actually search for).

Properly done, keyword research also yields the topics for which you should be creating content on your site.

Competitive analysis is an area closely related to keyword research.

During your research you can uncover what your competitors are ranking for that you are not, which may lead to key insights not only for your SEO strategy but for your business as well.

This guide will get you started with everything you need to know to do keyword research that will build a solid foundation for your SEO.

The Keyword Research Process

Good keyword research follows an orderly process, a set of steps that help accomplish all the goals mentioned above.

However, this is not a one-and-done process.

You will need to continually revisit these steps because your market situation will change over time.

Read more: searchenginejournal